Nowhere else with as much TV and therefore no one else as close as Proximus

In 2018, Proximus continues to show how they want to keep people ‘Always close’ and how their exclusive Tuttimus TV offer plays a leading role in doing this.

BBDO assembled all the pieces together to create a recognisable campaign follow up. Once again seemingly ordinary messages tell a much bigger story: Dads who secretly want to go all out and have some quality time with their daughter; friends who’ll accept any excuse for an evening full of bromance; and ‘cheaters’ who want to make up with each other.

It’s all possible thanks to Studio 100 TV, the Champions League and Netflix via Proximus, sporting a renewed visual style for the occasion.
The TV and radio commercials, posters and social posts all add up to one clear message: Nowhere else will you find as many TV options and be as close to each other as at Proximus.


  • Strategic Planning

    Sofie Verstreken

  • Creative director

    Jan Dejonghe
    Arnaud Pitz
    Sebastien De Valck

  • Creative team

    Jan Schraeyen
    Valentino Quarta<

  • Copywriter FR

    Gregory Verheyleweghen

  • Chief Commercial Director

    Kristof Persoons

  • Account handling

    Audrey Semal
    Aurélie Thollebeek

  • Social creatives

    Nicolas Van Gucht
    Britt De Valck

  • Content strategist

    Jesse Donkor

  • RTV Production

    Patricia Van De Kerckhove
    Renée Vermeire
    Nicolas Van Poeck

  • Editor

    Neil Skeet

  • Third parties
